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Jesus Loves the Little Children

 “Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.”

-Matthew 19:13-15

Friends, the single most important thing we can do for our children is take them to Jesus. And how do we do that? We take them to church. We take them to Vacation Bible School. We take them with us to serve people and share God’s love. We talk to them about Jesus’ gift of salvation and encourage them to seek a personal relationship with Jesus. 

Sometimes as adults we make the decision to skip church here and there (or several weeks in a row...guilty over here πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️🀦🏻‍♀️) because we are tired or we feel the kids didn’t get enough rest or we have a busy day ahead of us. Or maybe we are the family who has kids involved in so many sports teams, dance, gymnastics, etc and games, practices and meets take us away from church. At church on Sunday I felt so convicted by the Holy Spirit because I had been hindering my kids’ walk with Jesus. Because of mine and my husband’s decision to skip church every once in awhile, my children missed opportunities to know Christ and be around their Christian brothers and sisters. Jesus loves our children even more than we do. ❤️ 

Jesus wants us to know that we are responsible for bringing our Children to Him. He says the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those such as little children. Children are so pure in their faith. They believe those who are in authority. When we tell our children we love them, they believe us. When Jesus says He loves them, they believe Him. When we say we will do something for our children they believe us. When Jesus says He will do something for them, they believe Him. When Jesus says he loves them so much that He died for them and brings the free gift of salvation, they believe him and they totally accept the gift. You see, Jesus asks us all to have this kind of faith. What happened to our faith over the years? Why do we struggle sometimes to believe God loves us as much as He loves someone else? Why do we sometimes think we aren’t good enough to be offered the gift of salvation? Why do we question God’s abilities or His goodness? 

This week, I have been volunteering at church for our Vacation Bible School (VBS). I’m working with my oldest daughter’s age group so I am with many 1st and 2nd graders (19 in our small group πŸ’πŸ»‍♀️). It has been an awesome experience, thus far, watching so many kids worshipping God, learning about Jesus, and forming relationships with Him. It is so humbling. Truly puts things into perspective as to what’s important. At the end of our lives and of our kids’ lives, only one thing will matter (and it won’t be more rest or sports tournaments); the only thing that will matter is whether or not we accepted Jesus’ free gift of salvation by confessing our  sins and belief in him and believing in our hearts. Same goes for our kids. Shouldn’t we give them every opportunity to make the decision to accept this amazing gift of God’s grace?! Let’s not waste a single moment. 


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